Ireland 2024/2025: St Patrick’s Day

10 dni
Plan podróży Warunki uczestnictwa i rezygnacji

Cena zawiera

  • Accommodation in hotels of high tourist standard in double rooms.
  • Transportation throughout the trip.
  • Transfers from / to the airport.
  • Breakfasts.
  • The care of a local guide.
  • Care of a English-speaking guide.
  • Ferry tickets.
  • Baggage fees.
  • Visiting Dublin.
  • Entrance ticket to the Brewery Museum.
  • Entrance ticket to Dublin Castle.
  • Entrance ticket to Galway City Museum.
  • Visiting Kilkenny Castle.
  • Visiting Aran Island.
  • Entrance ticket to do Killarney National Park.

Cena nie zawiera

  • The cost of international airline tickets.
  • Meals other than those mentioned in the program.
  • Customary tips and personal expenses.
  • Travel insurance.

Saint Patrick’s Day is a holiday that is best experienced in Ireland. You can see partygoers dressed up in green. Green beer is poured in excess, and Celtic music makes people dance, even those who do not feel like dancing yet. During the day, parades and festivals pass through Dublin. On the streets you can meet leprechauns and more…

Plan podróży


Flight to Dublin

Saint Patrick’s Day is a holiday that is best experienced in Ireland. You can see partygoers dressed up in green. Green beer is poured in excess, and Celtic music makes people dance, even those who do not feel like dancing yet.

During the day, parades and festivals pass through Dublin. On the streets you can meet leprechauns and more…




Upon arrival in Dublin, we will check in at the hotel and have a short rest. Then we will start exploring the city. We will see for example the oldest university in the country – Trinity College with a library where the famous manuscript “Book of Kells” is stored.

We will also visit the Guinness Brewery Museum. After getting to know the history of the creation of a well-known beer, we will taste it. At the end of the day we will enjoy some free time to browse the shops or visit the popular Temple Bar. Overnight stay in Dublin.



After breakfast, we will continue to explore the city. We will see Dublin Castle with its undergrounds, where the Irish fighting for independence were imprisoned in the past. Then we will enjoy some free time and participate in the parade on the occasion of St. Patrick’s Day. Overnight stay in Dublin.


Dublin, Kilkenny

After breakfast we will depart towards Kilkenny. Here we will see a 13th-century castle surrounded by a beautiful rose garden. We will also visit Kilkenny Design with the best of contemporary Irish craftsmanship.

Right next door is the National Craft Gallery, Ireland’s premier center for contemporary craftsmanship and design. Free time until the end of the day. Overnight stay in Kilkenny.


Kilkenny, Limerick, Kerry

Today we will head south-west towards Limerick. We will visit the best-preserved Norman castle in Europe. Then we will make our way to Kerry.

After a short rest, we will go to the viewpoint located on the westernmost part of the Dingle Peninsula – Slea Head. Overnight stay in the vicinity of Kerry.


Killarney National Park

Today awaits us some relaxation in beautiful natural surroundings. We will go to Killarney National Park. It is 10 hectares of wonderful fauna and flora, glacial lakes and the beautiful Torc waterfall.

To end the day, we will visit the Victorian-style Muckross House. Return to Kerry for an overnight stay.


Cliffs of Moher

After breakfast we will depart on our way towards Galway. On the way we will stop for a walk at the Cliffs of Moher. Upon arrival in Galway we will accommodate in the hotel and enjoy some free time. You will be able to take advantage of the charms of the beach and try Irish coffee. Overnight stay in Galway.


Galway, Aran Islands

Today awaits us a full day  trip to the Aran Islands. After breakfast we will go to the port where we will board the ferry.

We will see the ruins of forts, historic churches, and a well with miraculous water called Tobar Einne. Return to Galway for an overnight stay.


Galway, Dublin

After breakfast we will enjoy the last walk around the city. We will take a look at the unprecedented Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and St. Santa. We will also visit the Galway City Museum. Then we will go to Dublin. Dinner and an overnight stay in Dublin.


Departure from Dublin

After breakfast we will transfer to the airport. Farewell to the group and departure from Dublin.

Please join us fro other trips around the world. How about Balkans next time?

Ireland 2024: St Patrick’s Day

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10 dni

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