Galapagos Islands 2024/2025

9 dni
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Cena zawiera

  • Accommodation in high-standard tourist hotels in double rooms.
  • Breakfasts.
  • Airport transfers.
  • Local guides assistance.
  • English-speaking guide assistance.
  • Transportation.
  • Sightseeing in Quito.

Cena nie zawiera

  • International airfare.
  • Domestic airfare for the Quito – Galapagos route.
  • Standard tips and personal expenses.
  • Travel insurance.

Visit the Galapagos and discover the extraordinary beauty of nature, unlike anywhere else in the world! Embark on an unforgettable journey through the archipelago, where you will encounter iconic species such as giant tortoises and marine iguanas. Immerse yourself in crystal-clear waters, diving alongside colorful coral reefs and fascinating marine creatures. Galapagos is not just a trip; it’s an encounter with nature in its most pristine and breathtaking form. Join our expedition and experience unforgettable moments on the islands that inspire and enchant!




Plan podróży


Flight to Quito

After passport and baggage check, we fly to Quito – a city inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1978.



Baltra Island, Santa Cruz Island

After breakfast, we have a transfer to the airport and a flight to Baltra Island, then onto Santa Cruz Island. Along the way, we stop at Los Gemelos, which are sunken volcanic chambers.

Next, we visit the giant tortoise reserve. After checking into the hotel, there’s an opportunity for those interested to take a stroll around Puerto Ayora. In the city center, there’s a fish market where sea lions, iguanas, and pelicans gather for fishy treats.

We walk along the promenade to the pier, where at dusk, we can admire swimming sharks, water turtles, and stingrays.


Santa Cruz Island

On this day, we spend time on Santa Cruz Island. We begin with a boat tour around Academy Bay, where with a bit of luck, we may encounter blue-footed boobies, gulls, pelicans, and frigatebirds. Then, we head towards Los Perros Beach, where Galapagos sharks rest during the day. For those interested, there’s an opportunity for snorkeling in the bay’s waters.

Next, we sail towards the area near German Beach. After a short walk, we reach Las Grietas – a rocky crevice forming a charming spot for swimming and snorkeling.

Upon returning to the hotel and taking a short rest, we visit the Charles Darwin Research Station. The station primarily focuses on the conservation of land tortoises.


Seymour Island

After breakfast, we have a transfer to the port and sail to Seymour Island. During the excursion, we see, among other things, sea lions, land and marine iguanas, a population of blue-footed boobies, frigatebirds, and swallow-tailed gulls.

Next, we head to the nearby Bachas Beach. Here, there is time to relax, and for those interested, another opportunity to admire the underwater world.

With a bit of luck, we see the famous Galapagos sharks, sea turtles, stingrays, and many colorful fish.


Bartolome Island

In the morning, we set off for one of the rocky islands of the archipelago – Bartolome. It’s on this small island that the most photographed point is located – Pinnacle Rock. We head to the viewpoint where we can enjoy a panoramic view of the island.

We spend time admiring the volcanic landscape of the island, and with a bit of luck, we see penguins. There is also time for sunbathing or snorkeling. In the evening, we return to Santa Cruz Island.


Isabela Island

How can one not love the Galapagos? Today, we take a morning ferry to Isabela Island – the largest island in the archipelago. First, we stop at the wetlands to search for flamingos in their natural habitat. Then, we take a walk along the beach among the iguanas sunbathing there.

After a meal break, we go on a tour of the bay. We stop at Tintoreras, where sharks can be spotted. It’s also a nesting site for marine iguanas.

For those interested, there’s an opportunity for snorkeling. Then, we return to the hotel. Dinner and free time.



In the morning, we head to the airport from where we’ll fly to Quito. We spend the day traveling, and we reach the hotel in the late afternoon.



In the morning, we drive to the equator museum – Mitad del Mundo. We also visit the museum of the sun, where we learn about Andean traditions. Here, we familiarize ourselves with the properties of gemstones and minerals and relax during aromatherapy. We have the opportunity to taste coca leaf tea as well.

Then, we head to the historic center of Quito. Our tour begins at the Basilica of the National Vow, often called the Notre Dame of South America.

Next, we walk along the Seven Crosses street to Plaza Grande, where we see the Carandolet Palace, the Bishop’s Palace, the cathedral, and the city hall. We also visit the Church of La Compañía. At the end of the day, we go to Panecillo Hill with the statue of the Virgin Mary with wings, offering a panoramic view of the entire city.


Wylot z Quito

It is said that every journey to South America is an opportunity to recharge batteries that provide energy long after returning home. With this in mind, right after breakfast, we begin our journey back.

Let’s not forget about other adventures with Rek Travel Adventure. Perhaps this time, Costa Rica.

Galapagos 2024: A True Wonder of Nature

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9 dni

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