Colombia 2024/2025: The Magical Country

9 dni
Plan podróży Warunki uczestnictwa i rezygnacji

Cena zawiera

  • Accommodation in double rooms of high tourist standard.
  • Cost of domestic air tickets.
  • Transfers to/from the airport.
  • Breakfasts.
  • Services of a English-speaking guide.
  • Services of local guides.
  • Boat trip to the Rosary Islands.
  • Admission ticket to the Gold Museum.
  • Admission ticket to the Botero Museum.
  • Admission ticket to the coffee plantation.
  • Admission ticket to the Rainbow River Reserve.
  • Admission ticket to the Salt Cathedral.
  • Lunch and dinner in La Macarena.
  • Folk dance show.

Cena nie zawiera

  • Cost of international air tickets.
  • Meals not mentioned in the program.
  • Regular tips and personal expenses.
  • Compensation in case of loss or damage to personal luggage.
  • Travel insurance.

Colombia is a country flowing with coffee, adorned with the fantastic colors of flowers, hummingbirds, and the River of Five Colors. Smiling Colombians welcome tourists at every step, eager to showcase the cultural richness of their country shaped by indigenous Indian traditions and influenced by Spanish colonizers.




Plan podróży


Flight to Bogota

After completing our passport and baggage check, we will fly to Bogota, the 10-million-strong capital of Colombia. It is the third highest capital in the world, after La Paz in Bolivia and Quito in Ecuador. Currently, it is the most important political, economic, and cultural center of the country. Together with a guide, we will go on a city tour. Around the narrow streets, there are houses with red tiles, which were once inhabited by the local nobility.

We will see numerous palaces, Bolivar Square, the cathedral, and the world’s largest Gold Museum, which houses over 30,000 pre-Columbian gold Indian artifacts. Later, we will take a cable car up to Monserrate Hill (3,152 meters above sea level), which offers an incredible view of Bogota.

At the top of the hill, there is a 17th-century monastery and a neo-Gothic chapel with the famous colonial statue of Christ Falling Under the Cross. In the corner of the chapel, you can see the figure of the Black Madonna in a golden dress with Jesus in her arms. This is one of the places that has attracted Colombian pilgrims since colonial times. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.



Bogota, Pereira, Salento

After breakfast, we will head to the airport and fly to Pereira, a region renowned for coffee cultivation. Colombia is the third-largest coffee producer globally, and Colombian coffee is considered one of the best in the world. This is attributed to the ideal climatic conditions and the manual harvesting and processing methods that have remained unchanged since the 19th century.

En route to the coffee plantation, we’ll have the opportunity to admire impressive houses that once belonged to plantation owners. Elevated on high stilts, painted in various colors, these houses have hammocks hanging from their balconies.

At the plantation, we’ll learn about the coffee processing process and have the chance to taste coffee brewed in a traditional Colombian kitchen in a rural home. Afterward, we’ll travel to the charming town of Salento for an overnight stay.


Salento, Valle Del Cocora

After breakfast, we will take jeeps to the Valle del Cocora, located in the Central Andean Cordillera. Breathtaking views will unfold before us. The valley is covered with Colombia’s national tree, the wax palm, which can reach heights of up to 70 meters. Currently, wax palms are under protection. We will embark on a short hike through the valley.

Later, we’ll travel to the town of Salento, considered one of the most beautiful in Colombia. Colorful houses with intricately carved wooden balconies, cheerful locals in cowboy hats, stores selling local crafts, and small atmospheric cafes fragrant with freshly ground coffee will leave a lasting impression. At Bolivar Square, you can try natural juice from local fruits like lulo or visit an observation point to admire the town from above. After these activities, we’ll return to the hotel for an overnight stay.


Salento, Medellin, Guatape

After breakfast, we’ll take a flight to Medellin. From there, we’ll make our way to the town of Guatape, considered the most beautiful and photogenic in all of Colombia. It is situated on the shores of the artificial Embalse del Penol lake.

The streets of Guatape are adorned with colorful buildings. One can climb 740 steps to the top of a 220-meter rock to enjoy panoramic views of the surroundings. It’s an ideal place to relax amidst nature and interesting architecture.



After breakfast, we will explore Medellin. The city is often associated with the notorious Pablo Escobar, who was the head of the Medellin drug cartel. In the afternoon, we’ll tour the old town center, including San Antonio Square and Las Esculturas Park. We’ll also visit the cathedral, the former bullfighting arena, and explore the financial heart of the city.

We will also head to the Comuna 13 district, once considered the “cradle of Pablo Escobar” and one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world. A cable car rises above the hills, facilitating access to homes. We’ll take a stroll through the local favelas with a local guide, witnessing numerous graffiti artworks created by local artists that tell hopeful stories. Return to the hotel for an overnight stay in Medellin.



Our adventure in Colombia will begin with passport and baggage check-in and a flight to Cartagena, a city often referred to as the ‘Pearl of the Caribbean’ due to its enchanting beauty. Upon arrival, we will explore the Torre del Reloj and Paseo de los Dulces. We will also visit the San Pedro de Claver monastery.

Later, we’ll take a stroll to Simon Bolivar Square, where bullfights were once held. Highlights include the cathedral and the Inquisition Museum housed in a colonial building with a distinctive entrance built from coral rock. We’ll also explore the fortified castle of San Felipe de Barajas, which defended the city against pirate attacks.

In the afternoon, it’s time to relax by the hotel pool.


Cartagena, Rosario Islands

After breakfast, we will take a boat trip to the Rosario Islands archipelago. Here, you’ll find beautiful beaches with fine sand and crystal-clear, azure waters. The local coral reefs are home to numerous species of fish, dolphins, seahorses, and majestic turtles. We’ll take a break on one of the islands. The beauty of the landscape invites relaxation, but for the more active, there are water sports available.

Those interested can enjoy lunch at a local restaurant, where coconut rice and fried fish are local delicacies. In the afternoon, we will return to the hotel in Cartagena for the night.



Cartagena, Bogota, Villa Da Leyva

After breakfast, we will take a final stroll through La Macarena and then head to the airport to return to Bogotá. From the airport, we will immediately proceed to the “white town” of Villa de Leyva. The city was built in 1572 in a classic Spanish style, with white houses, cobbled streets, and terracotta roofs.

At its heart lies the largest square in Colombia, covering 14,000 square meters and surrounded by beautiful white colonial houses. It’s an ideal place for an evening stroll. Dinner and overnight stay in Villa de Leyva.


Villa De Leyva, Zipaquira, Bogota

After breakfast, we will go for a tour of the center of Villa de Leyva. Then we will head to the town of Zipaquira, famous for its underground salt cathedral hidden in a mine 180 meters underground. The salt mine has been operational since the 19th century, and today the salt cathedral is considered one of the wonders of Colombia.

After visiting it, we will go to the colonial center of Zipaquira and see the house where the famous writer and Nobel laureate, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, author of “Love in the Time of Cholera,” lived.

In the evening, we will return to Bogota for one last stroll. After dinner, we will head to the airport to begin our journey home.


Bogota, La Macarena

In the morning, we will fly to the town of La Macarena, located on the Colombian savannah. After a meal at a local restaurant, we will head to the port. A motorboat will take us to the other side of the Guayabero River, where we will take a walk to one of the regional attractions (Cano Cristales, El Mirador, Bajo Lozada, or Cano Piedra – depending on the permission from local authorities). Currently, it is the largest natural attraction in Colombia.

Cano Cristales flows through the Serrania de Macarena National Park. Locals call it the “river of the gods,” the “river of seven colors,” and even the “most beautiful river in the world.” All thanks to the macarenia clavigera plant that covers the riverbed. Depending on the angle of sunlight, the aquatic plant changes color from green to intense red, contrasting with the riverbed, the sky, and the surrounding vegetation. One might feel as if they are in the middle of a rainbow. In the afternoon, we will return to the town.


La Macarena

After breakfast, we will embark on a boat cruise along the Guayabero River, during which we will observe various species of birds and reptiles. Later, we will transfer to cars and head to El Manantial del Cajuche. Then, we will begin a half-hour trek along the river.

We will have the opportunity to witness waterfalls, natural ponds, bridges formed by nature, and the most beautiful sections of the river shimmering in the sunlight with a purple hue. A true feast for the eyes. In the afternoon, we will enjoy a lunch wrapped in banana leaves before returning to La Macarena. In the evening, we will attend a traditional dinner accompanied by live dance and music performances.


Departure from Bogota

We hope that Colombia has stolen your hearts. Today, we conclude our adventure, bid farewell to new friends, and open ourselves to new directions. We invite you to explore other Rek Travel Adventure trips to South America.

Perhaps this time, weaving through the corners of Peru or discovering the charms of Brazil? No matter where your journey takes you, we wish you incredible experiences and full of unforgettable moments of adventure. Thank you for choosing Rek Travel Adventure, and we hope our paths cross again. Safe travels, and see you in the next corners of the world!

Colombia 2024: The Magical Country

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12 dni

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