Saint Helena Island 2024/2025

10 dni
Plan podróży Warunki uczestnictwa i rezygnacji

Cena zawiera

  • Accommodation in high-standard tourist hotels in double rooms.
  • Transportation throughout the entire tour.
  • English-speaking guide assistance.
  • Breakfasts. Tour of Jamestown.
  • Island tour of Saint Helena.
  • 4×4 Jeep excursion.
  • Climbing the Jacob’s Ladder.
  • Historical tour about Napoleon Bonaparte.

Cena nie zawiera

  • International Airfare.
  • Cost of optional excursions.
  • Customary tips and personal expenses.
  • Travel insurance.

Embark on a journey to one of the most remote and captivating destinations on our planet, Saint Helena Island. Nestled in the vastness of the South Atlantic Ocean, this mystical island has long been a sanctuary for explorers and adventurers seeking the extraordinary. In 2024, we invite you to join us on an unforgettable odyssey to discover the hidden treasures and natural wonders of this isolated paradise.

Our expedition will take you through a land steeped in history, where dramatic landscapes, rare wildlife, and pristine waters converge to create a unique tapestry of experiences. From the lush green valleys to the rugged coastlines, from the remarkable biodiversity to the enchanting cultural heritage, Saint Helena Island promises to be a journey like no other.

As we explore this remote haven, we will delve into its rich past, from the days of Napoleon’s exile to the intriguing stories of early settlers. We will traverse volcanic terrain, discover endemic flora and fauna, and immerse ourselves in the island’s vibrant culture.

This expedition is a celebration of the untouched and the uncharted. It is an opportunity to witness the extraordinary, to connect with nature, and to tread in the footsteps of history. Join us as we embark on an adventure to the End of the World, where Saint Helena Island awaits, ready to reveal its secrets and captivate your spirit.

Plan podróży


Flight to Johannesburg

With an appetite for new experiences, we gather at the airport for passport and baggage check-in, ready to set off on our flight to Johannesburg, Africa’s largest city.

Saint Helena Island


Saint Helena Island

Arrival in Johannesburg and transfer to the airport for our journey to Saint Helena Island. Subsequently, we will proceed to the hotel, followed by some free time. In the evening, we will come together for a welcome dinner.



Following breakfast, our exploration begins with a tour of Jamestown, the island’s capital and sole town. Highlights include a visit to the compact castle and the St. James’s Church adorned with exquisite stained glass windows.

We’ll also delve into “Her Majesty’s Prison” and pay respects at the monument honoring Saint Helena’s residents who served during World War I and World War II.


The place of Napoleon Bonaparte's exile

Saint Helena Island is the place of Napoleon Bonaparte’s exile. Today, we will delve into his history, as he spent the final six years of his life on the island. We will visit Briars Pavilion, Longwood House, and the Sane Valley Tomb.


The history of Jonathan the tortoise

After breakfast, we will embark on a comprehensive island tour. We will admire Deadwood Plain, the Millennium Forest, Sandy Bay, and the sandy beach of Bay. We will traverse Blue Hill to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Boer War Cemetery, and Plantation House.

With a bit of luck, we may also have the chance to meet Saint Helena’s mascot – Jonathan the tortoise, who is the island’s oldest resident.


4x4 Jeep excursion

Today, we embark on another island excursion towards Longwood. Along the way, we’ll pass the former prisoner of war camp in Deadwood Valley and reach Flagstaff for stunning island views. Our journey also includes a stop at Sandy Bay, famous for its volcanic rock formations.


Climbing Jacob's Ladder

Today, we’ll tackle one of the island’s top attractions – Jacob’s Ladder. These steep 183-meter stairs rise above the town, and if we ascend all 699 steps, we’ll enjoy a stunning panoramic view of the city below.


Relaxation on the island

Today is a day dedicated to relaxation and exploring the island at our own pace.


Flagstaff Bay

Today, we will spend our time by Flagstaff Bay, known for being a nesting site for turtles.



As our journey draws to a close, we say our goodbyes, carrying with us a treasure trove of memories and inspiration for future travels with Rek Travel Adventure.

Join us on explorations of lesser-known destinations, such as Robinson Island or the Falkland Islands, as we continue to create unforgettable experiences together.

Wyspa świętej Heleny 2024: ostoja na końcu świata
perspective view of jet airliner in flight with bokeh background

Pokaż cały plan wycieczki

10 dni

Firma nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za stracone mienie klienta w wyniku włamania, kradzieży, zgubienia itp. nie ponosimy również odpowiedzialności za straty klienta w motelach. Firma Rek Travel zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany programu, dyktowanych okolicznościami niezależnymi od niej. Klient zobowiązany jest do przestrzegania regulaminu wycieczki. Uczestnicy wycieczki ubezpieczeni są zgodnie z wymogami amerykańskiego Departamentu Transportu na łączną kwotę $5000.000 (polisa do wglądu na życzenie klienta). Za dodatkową opłatą uczestnicy mogą ubezpieczyć się na wypadek leczenia szpitalnego i ambulatoryjnego schorzeń nabytych w trakcie wycieczki oraz nieszczęśliwych wypadków w obiektach zwiedzanych (wszelkie informacje w biurze).