Spain – From Barcelona to Gibraltar

11 dni
Plan podróży Warunki uczestnictwa i rezygnacji

Cena zawiera

  • Accommodation in hotels of high tourist standard in double rooms.
  • Breakfasts.
  • Transportation from/to the airport.
  • Transportation by comfortable air-conditioned vehicle.
  • Care of a English-speaking guide.
  • Entrance tickets to the Sagrada Familia.
  • Entrance tickets to Park Güell.
  • Entrance tickets to the Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Pilar.
  • Entrance tickets to the Palacio de Aljafería.
  • Entrance tickets to the Seville Cathedral.
  • Entrance tickets to the Alcázar Palace.
  • Entrance tickets to the Cathedral of Cartagena.


Cena nie zawiera

  • The cost of international airline tickets.
  • Meals other than those mentioned in the program.
  • Compensation in the event of loss or destruction of personal luggage.
  • Travel insurance.
  • The customary tips.
  • The cost of diving.
  • Entrance to the defensive tower in Valencia.
  • Costa Brava cruise.

Ola España! Spain is a country hidden with many curiosities. The atmosphere here is fun and relaxed. When talking about Spain, we suddenly think of sunny beaches, energetic flamenco dance with sound of guitars in the background, the taste of paella and an afternoon siesta. There are also many famous sights in the country, such as the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona or Plaza de Espana in Seville. Everyone can find something of their liking here.



Kultura i historia




Plan podróży



Baggage and passport check in and a flight to Barcelona. The capital of Catalonia is one of the most beautiful and biggest places in all of Spain. It offers an amazing architecture, music festivals, beautiful parks and a wide sandy beach.



Arrival in Barcelona and transfer to the hotel. After a short rest, we will go for a walk around the old town. We will visit the Barrio Gótico, one of the most charming Gothic districts in Barcelona. The narrow streets located here as well as the medieval buildings create a fantastic atmosphere. We will see places such as: St. eulalia Cathedral, the royal palace and the nearby Plaza de Sant Jaume with the Town Hall and Palau de la Generalitat, where the seat of the Catalan government is located. The winding streets of the Barrio Gótico include scenery from the movie “Perfume”. In the evening we will have dinner together in a typical Catalan tavern. Return to the hotel for an overnight stay.



After breakfast, we will go to see the La Sagrada Familia cathedral – the most recognizable symbol in  Barcelona. The cathedral is the life’s work of architect Antoni Gaudi. Construction began in 1882 and continues to this day. The Penitential Temple of the Holy Family was entered on the UNESCO World heritage list in 2005. After lunch at a local restaurant, we will go to Park Güell – a garden with many architectural elements designed by Antoni Gaudi. The park consists of many fragments of greenery, intersected by systems of winding paths, bridges and staircases. In the afternoon we will drive to Zaragoza for an overnight stay.



Today we will have a typical city break in Zaragoza, a beautiful city on the Ebro River. We will direct our steps to the old town and begin our sightseeing with the Basilica Nuestra Señora del Pilar, where we will see the works of Goya. We will also see the Salvador Cathedral, considered a jewel of Aragonese art. Located in the city center we will find a fortified Muslim palace from the 11th century – Palacio de Aljafería, which later became a court seat of the Aragonese dynasty. We will see beautiful interiors modeled on Syrian architecture. Zaragoza is also full of monuments dating back to the reign of the Roman Empire.The representative square of the city, Plaza del Pilar, seen from a bird’s eye view, resembles a continent with a shape similar to South America. After sightseeing, we will have a chance for some free time, and in the evening we will take a walk along the shoreof the Ebro River. Overnight stay in Zaragoza.



Today we have a longer trip ahead of us. We are moving towards the southernmost corner Europe. On the way there we will visit Andalusian Seville, a city considered as the most beautiful in Spain. Seville is invariably associated with flamenco, but above all it is a city full of monuments and tourist attractions.  After checking into the hotel, we will go for an evening walk around the city. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight stay in Seville.



Today we continue our tour of Seville. We will see the Cathedral, which is the third largest temple in the world after the Vatican and London Basilicas. It was built on the site of a former mosque, and its bell tower is a former minaret. We will visit the Alcázar, the royal palace, and the Plaza de Espana.  In the afternoon, we will leave Seville and travel towards  Cadiz, the oldest city in Spain, founded by Phoenicians in 1100 B.C.E. We will visit Gadir – the port from which Christopher Columbus set sail for his expeditions. The last attraction of today will be the panorama from the viewpoint near the city of Tarifa, the southernmost city in Europe. Overnight stay around the city of Cadiz.



After breakfast we will drive towards Tarifa. We will drive to the viewpoint to see the Gibraltar strait.  Next we will go to Gibraltar – a peninsula with a length of only 6 km, which is tiny British enclave on the Iberian Peninsula. We will also be at Punta Europa and then we will enter the Rock of Gibraltar – the only place in Europe where monkeys live in the wild. We will enter the Holy Michael Cave. It is a karst cave with an extensive network of tunnels. The entrance to it is in the top part of the Rocks of Gibraltar. During our free time we will have an opportunity to shop on Main Street. Gibraltar is a zone of duty-free trade. Then we will drive towards Marbella for an overnight stay.



After breakfast we will have some free time to enjoy the beauty of the beach on the Spanish Costa del Sol. Then we will take a drive along the Mediterranean coast to Cartagena. Upon arrival, we will go for a walk around this city which is rich in memorabilia of antiquity. One of its most valuable monuments is the Gothic Cathedral, in the crypt of which Roman mosaics from the 1st century BC have been preserved. One of the places worth seeing are the remains of the Carthaginian and Byzantine defensive walls and the Roman amphitheater. Overnight stay in Cartagena.



After breakfast, we continue our journey along the coast towards Valencia. The city is very architecturally diverse thanks to the combination of historical monuments with modern buildings. Looking at the panorama of the city, it is impossible not to notice the 15th-century Gothic defensive towers that are part of the walls of the old city. Volunteers can climb one of them to see the city from above. A perfect example of modern architecture is the City of Arts and Sciences, a huge complex of cultural and entertainment facilities. In addition to the cultural center, the avant-garde buildings also house the largest Europe aquarium. It is also worth visiting the Valencian arena, which has witnessed many traditional bullfighting tournaments and now houses a small Bullfighting Museum. Overnight stay in Valencia.



Today we are heading back to Barcelona. After checking in at the hotel, we will drive along the Costa Brava, known as the “wild coast”. The name partly reflects the nature of this place. The Costa Brava stretches along the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the border with France. Located there are rocky cliffs reaching far into the sea. The road along the coast will provide us with spectacular views. Our objective for sightseeing will be the Medes archipelago and the underwater nature reserve located there which is an extraordinary sanctuary of marine fauna and flora. For those interested there will be an opportunity for diving in the crystal clear waters. For the less brave individuals there will be a chance for a cruise around the islands of the archipelago. Back to Barcelona for an overnight stay.



This marks the end of our journey in magical Barcelona. After breakfast, with luggage full of souvenirs and good wine, we will go to the airport. We’ll say goodbye to the group and go home.

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11 dni

Trasa wybranej wycieczki

Firma nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za stracone mienie klienta w wyniku włamania, kradzieży, zgubienia itp. nie ponosimy również odpowiedzialności za straty klienta w motelach. Firma Rek Travel zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany programu, dyktowanych okolicznościami niezależnymi od niej. Klient zobowiązany jest do przestrzegania regulaminu wycieczki. Uczestnicy wycieczki ubezpieczeni są zgodnie z wymogami amerykańskiego Departamentu Transportu na łączną kwotę $5000.000 (polisa do wglądu na życzenie klienta). Za dodatkową opłatą uczestnicy mogą ubezpieczyć się na wypadek leczenia szpitalnego i ambulatoryjnego schorzeń nabytych w trakcie wycieczki oraz nieszczęśliwych wypadków w obiektach zwiedzanych (wszelkie informacje w biurze).